Parent resources.

We are so excited about the decision your child has made to trust Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If your child is ready to take this next step in their faith (and at least 10 years old), we highly encourage you to first check out these resources below from Northpoint Church.
- Listen - This 5-minute, for-parents-only talk will equip you to talk with your child about faith in Jesus.
- Converse - Here is the homework (guide) that they reference in the for-parents-only talk. This will help you navigate the conversation with your child.
- Watch - This 2-minute video is a helpful resource to watch with your kids to understand what baptism really means.
Email us at kids@discoverlifegate.com to set up a time to speak with a kids pastor. During this phone call, we'll answer any questions you and your child might still have and discuss next steps with you.
Meeting God
Many personal decisions to follow Jesus are made during the childhood years and we feel honored to support parents during this time. When your child reaches school age (we suggest around age 5), we encourage parents to checkout these resources that include: helping a child understand Biblical salvation, indicators that your son or daughter might be ready to choose to follow Jesus, and training in praying for/with your child as they make this life-changing decision.
More Information coming soon!
Loving God
We believe that the most important thing we can do to help our kids walk in obedience to Jesus is to foster the attitude that we Thirst First for God. As they begin to read (around 3rd grade) this can be a great opportunity to challenge them in developing a closer relationship with Jesus. Check out these resources on what time spent with Jesus can look like and ideas to challenge them to make that a regular part of their lives as they grow in their pursuit of Jesus.
More information coming soon!
Serving God
Often, one of the first real expressions of our faith is showing ourselves faithful with our time, talents and treasure. As your son/daughter reaches 5th grade, we encourage you to check out these resources to help them steward what they’ve been given. One of the best gifts you can give your child is to help them discover their gifts, instruct them on the importance of tithing, and encourage them to serve Jesus with their time and talents as they give sacrificially.
More information coming soon!