Does God Still Heal
Podcast: Does God Still Heal with Pastor Les
Episode 9: Does God still Heal
Matthew 15:30 - Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them.
Last week's Challenge:
You were challenged to meditate on Wesley's prayer, ask God for the gifts of the spirit and courage to practice them. What happened?
Have you ever heard of God healing someone miraculously? Have you seen it? It would seem Jesus did loads of healing if we take the gospels seriously. He even commanded his own disciples to "heal the sick and cast out demons," (Matthew 10:7-8). If we are his disciples today, should we be seeing healing as well?
What is required for healing, and are there things that get in the way? Sometimes it's the stories of other's healing that helps us remember God does, indeed, desire to make his people whole. The cross was for more than just the forgiveness of sins, but the healing of our hearts, minds, and bodies. So, how should I pray, and when should I stop, if ever?
Discussion Questions:
- When did healing become real for you? Or has it yet? Have you seen anyone healed, or been healed yourself?
- Do you ever struggle to believe that God wants us to be healed and whole, or that he even longs to do this in our lives?
- Les said resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness can all block our faith and hinder our flow of healing. Do you have any lingering resentments, bitterness, or unforgiveness that still bothers your heart?
Link to Francis Macnutt's book on healing (les mentioned it in the podcast):
Throughout this week, go to a site like bible gateway and look up every verse with 'heal', 'heals,' 'healing,' or 'delivered,' in it. Read the words and the stories, and pray that God would "quicken his word," in your heart. Pay attention to your sense of faith and if you feel any more confident that God wants to give healing.
Does God Still Heal
Podcast: Does God Still Heal with Pastor Les
Episode 9: Does God still Heal
Matthew 15:30 - Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them.
Last week's Challenge:
You were challenged to meditate on Wesley's prayer, ask God for the gifts of the spirit and courage to practice them. What happened?
Have you ever heard of God healing someone miraculously? Have you seen it? It would seem Jesus did loads of healing if we take the gospels seriously. He even commanded his own disciples to "heal the sick and cast out demons," (Matthew 10:7-8). If we are his disciples today, should we be seeing healing as well?
What is required for healing, and are there things that get in the way? Sometimes it's the stories of other's healing that helps us remember God does, indeed, desire to make his people whole. The cross was for more than just the forgiveness of sins, but the healing of our hearts, minds, and bodies. So, how should I pray, and when should I stop, if ever?
Discussion Questions:
- When did healing become real for you? Or has it yet? Have you seen anyone healed, or been healed yourself?
- Do you ever struggle to believe that God wants us to be healed and whole, or that he even longs to do this in our lives?
- Les said resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness can all block our faith and hinder our flow of healing. Do you have any lingering resentments, bitterness, or unforgiveness that still bothers your heart?
Link to Francis Macnutt's book on healing (les mentioned it in the podcast):
Throughout this week, go to a site like bible gateway and look up every verse with 'heal', 'heals,' 'healing,' or 'delivered,' in it. Read the words and the stories, and pray that God would "quicken his word," in your heart. Pay attention to your sense of faith and if you feel any more confident that God wants to give healing.