Hearing God's Voice
Podcast: Hearing God's Voice with Krystel and Ciara Fortun
Episode 5: Hearing God's Voice
John 15:13-15 - "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you."
Last Week's Challenge:
You were challenged to practice living out of love and to be unoffendable. You may have even intentionally prayed for the blessing and good fortunes of an enemy (if you took the harder challenge). On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult was this? Did Jesus point anything out to you?
What does it mean to "hear God?" There's no shortage of people around us, be it in church, or online, who talk about things they've heard from God. How do they do that? What is that like?
God wants to speak with all of us, and many of us want to hear from him. What if we don't hear him properly, though? What if we think we heard God's voice, but in fact, we get it wrong? What does God even like to talk about?
Discussion Questions:
- Do you ever struggle to hear from God, or feel like you can hear him at all? If you are confident in listening for the Lord's voice, when did you get so confident?
- "God likes to speak to us about our identity and our beliefs" - what is an area of your identity or beliefs that God tends to speak the most to you about?
- When have you sense that God was "redirecting" you (like Siri maps)? How gracious was He in the process?
Ask the Lord to speak to you every day this week about your beliefs and identity, and write down what comes to mind. Pray over the answers and pay attention to any themes or blatant invitations from Jesus to change how you view yourself or your beliefs.
Hearing God's Voice
Podcast: Hearing God's Voice with Krystel and Ciara Fortun
Episode 5: Hearing God's Voice
John 15:13-15 - "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you."
Last Week's Challenge:
You were challenged to practice living out of love and to be unoffendable. You may have even intentionally prayed for the blessing and good fortunes of an enemy (if you took the harder challenge). On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult was this? Did Jesus point anything out to you?
What does it mean to "hear God?" There's no shortage of people around us, be it in church, or online, who talk about things they've heard from God. How do they do that? What is that like?
God wants to speak with all of us, and many of us want to hear from him. What if we don't hear him properly, though? What if we think we heard God's voice, but in fact, we get it wrong? What does God even like to talk about?
Discussion Questions:
- Do you ever struggle to hear from God, or feel like you can hear him at all? If you are confident in listening for the Lord's voice, when did you get so confident?
- "God likes to speak to us about our identity and our beliefs" - what is an area of your identity or beliefs that God tends to speak the most to you about?
- When have you sense that God was "redirecting" you (like Siri maps)? How gracious was He in the process?
Ask the Lord to speak to you every day this week about your beliefs and identity, and write down what comes to mind. Pray over the answers and pay attention to any themes or blatant invitations from Jesus to change how you view yourself or your beliefs.