Spiritual Authority - Week 2
Authority - Week 2
Practical Aspects of Authority
We, as the children of God and as redeemed people, have the authority that Christ Jesus has won for us at the cross. We have it because we are seated on the throne with him(Ephesians 2:6). He places us in the body of Christ under His authority. This authority applies to every area of our lives…our families, our workplaces, etc., as well as to the entire spiritual realm.
Authority at Home
Before we talk about our authority at home, let’s pause and read Ephesians 5:21-33.
Men, you have authority in your homes, as head of your household. Husbands, believe this, you have a God-given authority over your wives and children. Now, some people struggle with this passage of scripture because it has often been misconstrued and taken out of context. Some think this gives the man the right to be in control, to “lord over their household.” However, nothing could be further from the truth.Your authority over your wife and children is not a “lording over” authority but one of nurturing and sacrifice. It is also important to remember that Jesus is our ultimate authority and example. All of our delegated authority comes from Him, as well as the unconditional love with which we are to love our wives, “just as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself for her.
Ephesians 5: 25-27
For husbands, this means love your wives, justas Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish.
Men need to step up in their families and embrace that authority in love. When men do just that, God recognizes it and His blessings flow from it. However, when men do not use the authority that God has given them in their homes, Satan recognizes that, as well.
Guys, we need to realize that our primary ministries will always be our families. God honors us when we are good stewards of what He has given us. We honor Him by caring for our wives and our children. To do so requires sacrifice, patience, humility, and so much more. We need to be a full “partner” with our wives in raising our kids. Our children need more than just a provider, they need a loving father and an authority figure that they respect. They need someone who will love them enough to discipline, but who will also make the sacrifices necessary to be a consistent presence in their lives. What we fathers model for our kids will likely be what they think of their Heavenly Father.
Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.
As our kids grow older, and move onto the next phases of their lives, our realm of authority shifts from “hands on” to prayer and agreement with God’s Word. The minute they walkout on their own, we lose certain aspects of authority in their lives. We have such limited time with our children, and they grow up so fast! We, as Christian husbands and fathers, need to take every opportunity to exercise our God-given, delegated authority, in love, over our households.
To those of us who are not married and do not have children, you still have spiritual authority in your home. As long as you are in Christ Jesus, you have authority. For instance, if you have struggled or are currently struggling with addiction of any kind, and your relapses often happen in your home, you have the authority to rebuke the enemy in Jesus’ name in those places. Look at it as an opportunity to take back the ground you once handed over to Satan.
Workplace Authority
We must remember who we are in Christ Jesus (our Identity) wherever we go. It must remain the same no matter where we are or what we are doing. It is easy to walk into our workplaces and forget who we are in Christ. If we choose to assimilate to the culture of our workplaces, rather than be ambassadors for Christ, we will find that we have little spiritual authority there. Do people, with whom you work, know that you're a follower of Jesus, or do you act and talk the same as they do, at work?
We have this holy, delegated authority in our workplaces, as well as in our homes. However, that authority doesn’t give us the right to do whatever we want. We still are under the assigned authority that our workplaces have placed over us. God would have us honor those in authority in our workplaces, regardless of what they believe...or even how they might treat us! It may not always be the easiest or most pleasant situation, but the Lord will bless us when we submit to the authorities over us and guard our hearts (and mouths!) We may not agree with what is happening in our workplaces, at all times, but the fact remains that we are still under that authority.
Being the same man in your workplace as you are at home, by living out your God-given identity may not be easy. Often, it is far easier to conform to the culture of your workplace, than to being a “light on a hill.” You may even inadvertently be inviting criticism and persecution. However, Jesus said in the Sermon on theMount, that you are blessed when you are persecuted.
Matthew 5:10-12
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven. For in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Being under authority in the workplace doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand up for what you believe. When you feel the need to stand up for yourself and for your beliefs, it is important to remain prayerful, humble, and honest, all the while, remaining under authority.
Authority at Church
Much like our workplaces, we all fall under authority in our churches, and we must submit to that authority. It doesn’t matter if you serve or are a paid employee or whether you clean the bathroom or lead the church, we all must recognize and submit to that authority. We have altar ministries, men’s and women’s ministries, children's care ministries and many other serving teams in our church and each individual on those teams need to recognize and be submitted to the authority over them which is ultimately the Pastor (the shepherd) of the Church.
We live in a consumer society. People can easily find something to be unhappy about in church or anywhere for that matter. If you find yourself not agreeing with something happening or not happening or being said or not being said in the church, do not run for the door. Rather, turn to prayer and the Word of God first. Ask Holy Spirit for His leading. It is too easy for deception and lies to enter churches where people are not abiding by the Word of God. We must keep our eyes on God in every situation.
If we are in Christ Jesus, we have delegated spiritual authority in the church. You have the authority to pray with and for the people in church and you have the authority to bless themas well. If Holy Spirit nudges you to do those things, be bold and do them.When you do, you are partnering with Holy Spirit and operating in His authority.
- What does exercising the spiritual authority in your family look like? Where do you feel like you nail it? Where do you feel like you struggle?
- Share a little about your work environment. Do you see opportunities to exercise your spiritual authority in the workplace? Share with your group.
- Do you think it is important to recognize and submit to authority in the workplace and the church? Why or why not?
- What can we do, as Christian Men, to partner with Holy Spirit and use the authority given to us in this fallen world and fatherless generation?
Activation: Put some of the answers to questions 1 and 2 into practice this next week. Someone in your group probably had an answer that stuck with you. Take that for yourself and start to make it part of your fabric this week. Next week, share with your group how that went.
Spiritual Authority - Week 2
Authority - Week 2
Practical Aspects of Authority
We, as the children of God and as redeemed people, have the authority that Christ Jesus has won for us at the cross. We have it because we are seated on the throne with him(Ephesians 2:6). He places us in the body of Christ under His authority. This authority applies to every area of our lives…our families, our workplaces, etc., as well as to the entire spiritual realm.
Authority at Home
Before we talk about our authority at home, let’s pause and read Ephesians 5:21-33.
Men, you have authority in your homes, as head of your household. Husbands, believe this, you have a God-given authority over your wives and children. Now, some people struggle with this passage of scripture because it has often been misconstrued and taken out of context. Some think this gives the man the right to be in control, to “lord over their household.” However, nothing could be further from the truth.Your authority over your wife and children is not a “lording over” authority but one of nurturing and sacrifice. It is also important to remember that Jesus is our ultimate authority and example. All of our delegated authority comes from Him, as well as the unconditional love with which we are to love our wives, “just as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself for her.
Ephesians 5: 25-27
For husbands, this means love your wives, justas Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish.
Men need to step up in their families and embrace that authority in love. When men do just that, God recognizes it and His blessings flow from it. However, when men do not use the authority that God has given them in their homes, Satan recognizes that, as well.
Guys, we need to realize that our primary ministries will always be our families. God honors us when we are good stewards of what He has given us. We honor Him by caring for our wives and our children. To do so requires sacrifice, patience, humility, and so much more. We need to be a full “partner” with our wives in raising our kids. Our children need more than just a provider, they need a loving father and an authority figure that they respect. They need someone who will love them enough to discipline, but who will also make the sacrifices necessary to be a consistent presence in their lives. What we fathers model for our kids will likely be what they think of their Heavenly Father.
Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.
As our kids grow older, and move onto the next phases of their lives, our realm of authority shifts from “hands on” to prayer and agreement with God’s Word. The minute they walkout on their own, we lose certain aspects of authority in their lives. We have such limited time with our children, and they grow up so fast! We, as Christian husbands and fathers, need to take every opportunity to exercise our God-given, delegated authority, in love, over our households.
To those of us who are not married and do not have children, you still have spiritual authority in your home. As long as you are in Christ Jesus, you have authority. For instance, if you have struggled or are currently struggling with addiction of any kind, and your relapses often happen in your home, you have the authority to rebuke the enemy in Jesus’ name in those places. Look at it as an opportunity to take back the ground you once handed over to Satan.
Workplace Authority
We must remember who we are in Christ Jesus (our Identity) wherever we go. It must remain the same no matter where we are or what we are doing. It is easy to walk into our workplaces and forget who we are in Christ. If we choose to assimilate to the culture of our workplaces, rather than be ambassadors for Christ, we will find that we have little spiritual authority there. Do people, with whom you work, know that you're a follower of Jesus, or do you act and talk the same as they do, at work?
We have this holy, delegated authority in our workplaces, as well as in our homes. However, that authority doesn’t give us the right to do whatever we want. We still are under the assigned authority that our workplaces have placed over us. God would have us honor those in authority in our workplaces, regardless of what they believe...or even how they might treat us! It may not always be the easiest or most pleasant situation, but the Lord will bless us when we submit to the authorities over us and guard our hearts (and mouths!) We may not agree with what is happening in our workplaces, at all times, but the fact remains that we are still under that authority.
Being the same man in your workplace as you are at home, by living out your God-given identity may not be easy. Often, it is far easier to conform to the culture of your workplace, than to being a “light on a hill.” You may even inadvertently be inviting criticism and persecution. However, Jesus said in the Sermon on theMount, that you are blessed when you are persecuted.
Matthew 5:10-12
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven. For in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Being under authority in the workplace doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand up for what you believe. When you feel the need to stand up for yourself and for your beliefs, it is important to remain prayerful, humble, and honest, all the while, remaining under authority.
Authority at Church
Much like our workplaces, we all fall under authority in our churches, and we must submit to that authority. It doesn’t matter if you serve or are a paid employee or whether you clean the bathroom or lead the church, we all must recognize and submit to that authority. We have altar ministries, men’s and women’s ministries, children's care ministries and many other serving teams in our church and each individual on those teams need to recognize and be submitted to the authority over them which is ultimately the Pastor (the shepherd) of the Church.
We live in a consumer society. People can easily find something to be unhappy about in church or anywhere for that matter. If you find yourself not agreeing with something happening or not happening or being said or not being said in the church, do not run for the door. Rather, turn to prayer and the Word of God first. Ask Holy Spirit for His leading. It is too easy for deception and lies to enter churches where people are not abiding by the Word of God. We must keep our eyes on God in every situation.
If we are in Christ Jesus, we have delegated spiritual authority in the church. You have the authority to pray with and for the people in church and you have the authority to bless themas well. If Holy Spirit nudges you to do those things, be bold and do them.When you do, you are partnering with Holy Spirit and operating in His authority.
- What does exercising the spiritual authority in your family look like? Where do you feel like you nail it? Where do you feel like you struggle?
- Share a little about your work environment. Do you see opportunities to exercise your spiritual authority in the workplace? Share with your group.
- Do you think it is important to recognize and submit to authority in the workplace and the church? Why or why not?
- What can we do, as Christian Men, to partner with Holy Spirit and use the authority given to us in this fallen world and fatherless generation?
Activation: Put some of the answers to questions 1 and 2 into practice this next week. Someone in your group probably had an answer that stuck with you. Take that for yourself and start to make it part of your fabric this week. Next week, share with your group how that went.