Ask Me Anything | Living Our Faith in a Changing World | Part 2
This week Pastor Les responded to your questions about Living Our Faith in a Changing World. Each service had completely different questions so make sure to check out all 3 from this week! Questions Covered in Part 2: Why doesn’t the abundant kingdom life equal the American Dream? Where should the church stand with regard to the illegal immigration debate? There is ample evidence of climate change and humanity’s responsibility for it. Given our biblical call to govern and rule the earth, how must we respond to the threat of climate change, both individually and corporately? I strongly feel that Lifegate doesn’t endorse successful women. Why not? What do you think of TV shows, music, or other forms of entertainment that aren’t exactly wrong, but aren’t wholesome either? For example, the show, Stranger Things. How do you determine what political candidate to support when you have conflicting convictions related to the things each side supports? What kind of food/diet did God intend for us? Were we made to consume animal products? Our teen has asked us why it's so important to come to church on Sunday? I am a Latin, 37-year-old male believer who is a virgin. I want to get a good wife. It seems like Christian girls don’t like a male without any experience. Any advice?