We love serving God by serving one another and those on their way to Life in Jesus. We all serve as our calling and our privilege.
Our primary pursuit in life, as a staff and Church is relationship with Jesus. We keep this our first priority and the one from which all of our other priorities flow.
We freely give honor to those above us, beside us and under us because of the calling and the potential God has placed inside of them.
We vigilantly pray and stand for the Kingdom of God and against the powers of darkness knowing through God's authority and power, God's loving purposes will prevail.
Unity matters greatly to God and to us therefore, we aggressively guard our unity and passionately support our leaders and the vision God has given our Pastor.
We meet people where they are through relevant communication, a welcoming, non-judging atmosphere and excellence in all we do.
We live from the grace of God and are grace givers, committed to lifestyles of selfless love for the sake of our Church, our City and the Nations.